- An International Technical Cell of Experts be established to encourage worldwide co-operation to provide expertise and address issues relating to scheduling, registrations, specifications, standardization etc.
- Exchange of information and knowledge of Neem should be undertaken through cross-country visits of Experts.
- In order to focus on Neem for Sustainable Development, a Neem Technology Mission should be constituted by, Planning Commission, Government of India.
- Ministry of SSI & Ministry of ARI, should establish Technology Support Centers for Neem in collaboration with State Governments, KVIC and Voluntary Agencies in rural areas where Neem Resources are plentiful, for developing Neem-based industry clusters.
- Respective departments of Government of India should provide policy and fiscal support for existing and promising Neem Technologies for example excise and sales tax exemption for Neem based plant protection products, clearance for manufacture and sale of Neem Coated Urea and so on.
- States with major population of Neem trees take steps to increase neem seed collection and establish demonstration centers for primary processing of seeds and fruits. In this context NOVOD Board, Government of India should be entrusted with mandate for increase in processing of good quality Neem seeds and oil.
- The Agriculture extension network should be sensitized to promote organic farming – especially of vegetables & fruits, which would eventually lead to increased usage of Neem products.
- In order to have focused development of sound technologies, respective departments should establish nodal institutes in identified areas. The possibility of upgrading the existing Neem Technology Center into nodal National Center should be examined.
- The work on Genetic Improvement aimed at early fruiting, increased fruit yields, higher limonoid content, higher oil content, wider adaptability or specific varieties for specific regions be undertaken at the institutes of ICAR, ICFRE & CSIR etc.
- Certain new areas of research in addition to Insect & Nematode Control about the role of Neem such as herbicide, plant growth enhancer, have come to the light and research on these areas should be undertaken on a larger-scale.
- All gaps in research to be identified and addressed to increase the acceptability of neem products worldwide. In this context, a National Institute for the development of Neem Products should be established by the Department of Industries, Govt. of India.
- A census of Neem trees in the country should be done to catalogue and establish the scale of the Country’s Neem Resources and data bank to be maintained by the Ministry of Environment & Forests.
- Newly created Aromatic & Medicinal Plant Board should take necessary steps for popularization, technology generation and promotion of existing Neem-based technologies.
- In order to ensure the quality of the Neem products, there is a need to establish standards and identify a National Agency / Organisation for accredition of the products.
- Declare Neem as National Tree of India and urge upon the Ministry of Environment & Forests, as well as Wasteland Development Boards to take up large-scale Neem Tree Plantation Programmes throughout the country.
- In order to create awareness amongst masses, a postal stamp carrying the picture and message of Neem should be released by the Department of Post and Telegraph, GOI.
- Since Neem is indigenous to India and there exists a wealth of knowledge about Neem in the country, India should lead the Neem movement for the benefit of humanity.