From Internet

Towards a bitter end: India’s neem shortage

India, the land of neem trees, faces acute shortage of neem oil, and now plans to import it for coating urea. A neem seeds collection centre in Kheda district of Gujarat. Every year 30,000 tonnes [...]

  • Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies: 20 health benefits of neem

Neem Tree, also known as 'Azadirachta indica' is a tree native to India. In Sanskrit, neem is arista, which means something that is perfect, imperishable and complete. Not only its leaves, but the tree's seeds, [...]

  • can neem help prevent cancer

Can neem help prevent cancer?

can neem help prevent cancer Getting a cancer diagnosis is nothing less than scary. A lifestyle disease, there are a lot of everyday things which can increase your cancer risk. This makes it [...]

From Internet

Farmers to benefit from IFFCO's neem scheme

Farmers to benefit from IFFCO’s neem scheme

Herbal Remedies - 20 health benefits of neem

Herbal Remedies – 20 health benefits of neem

10 reasons to add neem to your daily routine

10 reasons to add neem to your daily routine

One lakh neem trees in Rajkumar's name

One lakh neem trees in Rajkumar’s name