Padmashri Vaidya Suresh Chaturvedi

Vaidya Suresh Chaturvedi
National Consultative Committee
His book ‘Neem in Ayurveda’ highlights the importance, Ayurvedic views and values of Neem. His inspiring presence in Core Committee of the Foundation has been a source of pride and inspiration to entire Neem movement.
His role in demystifying the Neem’s extraordinary ability to heal has been crucial in bringing acceptability to the Neem tree in the global context.
As an active practioner of the ancient science of healing – Ayurveda, he is a renowned figure in the National and International arena of Alternate Medicines, who has presented numerous papers. He has been a convener of number of Conferences in India. He is a Professor, a Ph.D guide in the University of Mumbai.
He has participated in various International Conferences on Ayurveda and Traditional System of Medicine’s at Australia, Indonesia, Tokyo, Mauritius, Nepal and propagated Ayurveda in Bangkok, Singapore, Hong Kong, England and USA. He has been a convener of number of Conferences in India.
Vaidya Suresh Chaturvedi was invited as a Guest Speaker, to interact with the experts of US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC in 1999, to expand the ‘Role of Neem in environment Protection’.
His pioneering work in the field of Ayurveda and the promotion of Indian Medicine has been aptly recognized at the National & International levels and he has been awarded the “ Bharat Nirman Pracharya Award” and “Fellow Of National Academy Of Ayurveda”,
In the year 2000 on the occasion of Golden Jubilee’ of India Republic. He was awarded the Padmashri – One of the highest civilian awards by the Govt. of India.
He is also a Founder G.S. of “DHANVANTARI FOUNDATION” and various other organizations, who are entrusted with the promotion of Indian Medicine. He is also consulted by the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Vaidyaji currently lives in Mumbai, India.